Announcements from Nobby
Fundraising Campaign:
We would like to ask you to make a donation to the cause of our mission to "preserve, archive, present and educate about global distance running". If you are able, can you please write a check made payable to “International Running Academy”, a Non-Profit Organization with 501(c)(3) status. Your generous donation will be tax deductible to the extent of the law. Please send your gift to:
International Running Academy
Attn: Nobby Hashizume
5445 Gideons Lane
Shorewood, MN 55331
We truly appreciate your support in advance, as will those in the future who will learn the sport of running that we all love. We will send an acknowledgement of your donation.
Thank you in advance!!
Nobby Hashizume
* Click the logo below to make a donation via PayPal:
(International Running Academy is a Non-Profit Organization with 501(c)(3) status; donation is tax-deductible.)